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land use committee

 The Land Use Committee  reviews rezonings, planning guidelines, HDC commercial applications and other actions affecting our neighborhood in order to encourage historic preservation and collaborate for thoughtful growth.

Additional  information about Charlotte's rezoning process can be found at this link.

Click here to enter your address and view development going on near you. 

Community Area Planning Is Still in Process and is now in Phase 4.

Information shared at the workshop is available through the "Supporting the Vision" webtool.


Contact Ellen at with questions..

Land Use 2-10-2025

No change in status for rezonings, HDC applications or Land development projects listed below for January 2025 other than:

2025-004 for 720 E. Morehead is going through review; the height of 150' remains an issue given that it is twice the height of the Neighborhood Center zoned buildings on either side.

HDC application HDCCMA-2023-00991 for 927 East Blvd was approved in Dec. 2024. Tree removal and replacement was required in order to move the building addition closer to the street. Click here for details.

Radius Dilworth (615 E Morehead) is required to install a concrete median and pedestrian crossing at E. Morehead and Myrtle Ave. in May to comply with their approved land development plans.

Land Use 1-13-2025


  1. 2023-157  304 E. Worthington general commercial CG(HDO) to  neighborhood center with conditions NC(EX) HDO. No change since Dec. 2023 waiting for revisions and HDC application processing - requires 365 day stay for demolition. Multi-story building located on two parcels within the HD for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right. Waiting for revisions since 12/29/23.

  2. 2023-020 has been withdrawn and a new petition was filed on 1-15-2024. 2025-004 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian project was discussed at January land use meeting. The petition was changed from Regional Activity Center to the more appropriate Community Activity Center zoning district. Discussions with land use will continue, with a Dilworth community meeting as well as the ordinance required community meeting to follow in the months ahead. Fifty foot height max along Lexington and portion of Myrtle. The petition has been improved since the original filing 2 years ago.

HDC applications

  1. Kasa Edison application was approved in December.

  2. 304 E. Worthington demolition application on 304 and 308 approved on 10-9, new build HDC review has not been scheduled

 Land development projects

  1. LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. LD signed off on Aug. 30th but the city is waiting for a Green Mitigation payment.

  2. SDRU-2023-00007 Centre South still in subdivision review, apartments Templeton moving forward, office facing South Blvd on hold.  329 apartments with 20% affordable.

  3. LDUTOD-2023-00015 Sterling Bay project at South and E. Park Ave (former Sam’s Sandwich shop). LD signed off Mar. 26th – LU has TIS and plans. 370 units, 4584 sq ft retail.  Grading permit pre-construction meeting scheduled (9-12).

  4. LDUTOD-2023-00027  Phase II of Sterling Bay project with an additional 371 units. Currently in LD review.

  5. LDPSM-2024-00199 304 and 308 and 300 E. Worthington pre-submittal meeting. Construction of a Medical office building with ground floor retail. 304 and 308 are currently in 365 day stay; no HDC plans filed as of today

Land Use 12-9-2024

No substantial changes to the projects listed for November.

Land Use 11-11-2024


  1. 2023-157  304 E. Worthington general commercial CG(HDO) to  neighborhood center with conditions NC(EX) HDO. No change since Dec. 2023 waiting for revisions and HDC application processing - requires 365 day stay for demolition. Multi-story building located on two parcels within the HD for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right. Waiting for revisions since 12/29/23.

  2. 2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian project is moving forward, Basic overview discussed at September land use meeting, no new information other than change from MUDD-O to UDO zoning district, Regional Activity Center. RAC would not be acceptable at that location based on current zoning and revised policy map, we suggested Community Activity Center. LU to review rudimentary site plan on 11/11.

HDC applications

  1. Kasa Edison application filed 12-27, hearing 10-9, continued for a number of reasons. Appears that some concerns have been addressed in recent application.

  2. 304 E. Worthington demolition application on 304 and 308 approved on 10-9, new build HDC review not scheduled

 Land development projects

  1. LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. LD signed off on Aug. 30th but the city is waiting for payment.

  2. SDRU-2023-00007 Centre South still in subdivision review, apartments Templeton moving forward, office facing South Blvd on hold.  329 apartments with 20% affordable.

  3. LDUTOD-2023-00015 Sterling Bay project at South and E. Park Ave (former Sam’s Sandwich shop). LD signed off Mar. 26th – LU has TIS and plans. 370 units, 4584 sq ft retail.  Grading permit pre-construction meeting scheduled (9-12).

  4. LDPSM-2024-00199 304 and 308 E. Worthington pre-submittal meeting. Construction of a Medical office building with ground floor retail. Currently in 365 day stay; HDC plans filed as of today


Land Use 10-10-2024


  1. 2023-157  304 E. Worthington general commercial CG(HDO) to  neighborhood center with conditions NC(EX) HDO. No change since Dec. 2023 waiting for revisions and HDC application processing - requires 365 day stay for demolition. Multi-story building located on two parcels within the HD for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right.

  2. 2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian project is moving forward, Basic overview discussed at September land use meeting, no new information other than change from MUDD-O to UDO zoning district, Regional Activity Center. RAC would not be acceptable at that location based on current zoning and revised policy map, we suggested Community Activity Center.

HDC applications

  1. Kasa Edison application filed 12-27, hearing 10-9, continued for a number of reasons. Appears that some concerns have been addressed in recent application.

  2. 304 E. Worthington demolition application on 304 and 308 approved on 10-9,  new build HDC review not scheduled

 Land development projects

  1. LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. LD signed off on Aug. 30th, we are waiting for a copy of the site plan.

  2. SDRU-2023-00007 Centre South still in subdivision review, apartments Templeton moving forward, office facing South Blvd on hold.  329 apartments with 20% affordable.

LDUTOD-2023-00015 Sterling Bay project at South and E. Park Ave (former Sam’s Sandwich shop). LD signed off Mar. 26th – LU has requested a copy of TIS and site plan.

Land Use 9-4-2024


1. 2023-157  304 E. Worthington general commercial CG(HDO) to  neighborhood center with conditions NC(EX) HDO. No change since Dec. 2023 waiting for revisions and HDC application processing - requires 365 day stay for demolition. Multi-story building located on two parcels within the HD for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right.

2. 2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian project is moving forward. LU meeting scheduled for Sept. 9th to discuss. Changed to Regional Activity Center conventional in May. RAC would not be appropriate at that location based on current zoning and revised policy map.

HDC applications

1. Kasa Edison application filed 12-27, hearing July 10th, continued for a long list of reasons. Appears that some concerns have been addressed in current application, specifically with the out of context elements. Scheduled for Sept. 11th

2. 304 E. Worthington demolition application on 304 and 308 scheduled for Sept. 11th, new build HDC review not scheduled

 Land development projects

1. LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. LD signed off on Aug. 30th, we are waiting for a copy of the site plan.

2. SDRU-2023-00007 Centre South still in subdivision review, apartments Templeton moving forward, office facing South Blvd on hold.  329 apartments with 20% affordable.

3. LDUTOD-2023-00015 Sterling Bay project at South and E. Park Ave (former Sam’s Sandwich shop). LD signed off Mar. 26th – LU has requested a copy ot TIS and site plan.


We were able to make positive changes in the most recent Draft Policy Map to help provide proper transition into the neighborhood. Please sign up to attend the Community  Area Planning workshops Nov. 12th & 14th, links are posted at the top of this page.

The Campbell has finished Styrofoam installation installation and rasping and is in the last stages of cleaning up Dairy Branch Creek. Charmeck Storm Water (Jacob Stark) did a fine job of monitoring the environmental pollution once reported via the CLT+ application.


Land Use 8-7-2024

1. 2023-157 304 E. Worthington general commercial CG(HDO) to neighborhood center with conditions NC(EX) HDO. No change since Dec. 2023 waiting for revisions and HDC application processing - requires 365 day stay for demolition. Multi-story building located on two parcels within the HD for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right.
2. 2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian still have not agreed on property swap as of 8-6-24. Changed to Regional Activity Center conventional in May. RAC would not be acceptable at that location.
HDC applications
1. Kasa Edison application filed 12-27, hearing July 10th, continued for a long list of reasons. Appears that some concerns have been addressed in current application, specifically with the out of context staircase.
2. 304 E. Worthington petitioner has filed for demolition on 304 and 308, new build HDC review not scheduled
Land development projects
1. LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. In process, revisions required on 6-14, revisions filed 8-8.
2. SDRU-2023-00007 Centre South still in subdivision review, apartments Templeton moving forward, office facing South Blvd on hold. 329 apartments with 20% affordable.
1. We were able to make positive changes in the most recent Draft Policy Map to help provide proper transition into the neighborhood. Please sign up to attend the Community Area Planning workshops Nov. 12th & 14th, links will be on the landuse page once available.

Land Use 7-8


2023-157 304 E. Worthington CG(HDO) to NC(EX) HDO with an exception for reduced side yards but no public benefits documented. Multi-story building located on two parcels within the HD for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right. Petition waiting for revisions and HDC application processing - requires 365 day stay for demolition

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian Was MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Changed to Regional Activity Center conventional in May. RAC would not be acceptable at that location.

HDC applications

Kasa Edison application filed 12-27, hearing July 10th.

304 E. Worthington petitioner has filed for demolition on 304 and 308, new build HDC review not scheduled

 Land development projects

LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. In process, revisions required.

SDRU-2023-00007 Centre South in subdivision review, apartments moving forward and office on hold. Should have renderings later this summer. 329 units in this building

Land Use 6-10


2023-157 304 E. Worthington CG(HDO) to NC(EX) HDO with an exception for reduced side yards but no public benefits documented. Multi-story building located on two parcels within the HD for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right. Petition waiting for revisions and HDC application processing - requires 365 day stay for demolition

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian Was MUDD-O PED. Previous petition withdrawn and changed to RAC conventional in May, RAC is too intense to provide proper transition at that location given surrounding N1 place types.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’ Community meeting Nov. 8 6:30pm office with option to convert to residential. Withdrawn.

2022-112 801 Baxter UMUD-O across McDowell from Pearl. Initially was a 6 story parking garage, Withdrawn

2021-285 300 E. Worthington MUDD-O was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, Withdrawn

HDC applications

304 E. Worthington petitioner has filed for demolition on 304 and 308, 3 to 6 months out for a new build HDC review

Kasa Edison application filed 12-27, hearing June 12th

Land development projects

LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. In process, revisions required. Alleyway abandonment vote in May modified to return access to FV residents

LDCP-2024-00136 Leeper & Wyatt land development construction plan approved

SDRU-2023-00007 Centre South in subdivision review, apartments moving forward and office on hold. Should have renderings this month. 329 units in this building


Land Use 5-13


2023-157 304 E. Worthington CG(HDO) to NC(EX) HDO with an exception for reduced side yards but no public benefits documented. Petitioner indicates entitlement request is for multi-story building located on two parcels within the Dilworth Historic District Overlay for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right. Petition waiting for revisions and HDC application processing.

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian Was MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Changed to RAC conventional.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’ Community meeting Nov. 8 6:30pm office with option to convert to residential. Withdrawn.

2022-112 801 Baxter UMUD-O across McDowell from Pearl. Initially was a 6 story parking garage, Withdrawn

2021-285 300 E. Worthington MUDD-O was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, Withdrawn


304 E. Worthington petitioner has filed for demolition on 304 and 308

1921 Charlotte Dr. (Kasa Edison hotel) on June 12th HDC agenda

Land Use 4-2


2023-157 304 E. Worthington CG(HDO) to NC(EX) HDO with an exception for reduced side yards but no public benefits documented. Petitioner indicates entitlement request is for multi-story building located on two parcels within the Dilworth Historic District Overlay for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right. Petition waiting for revisions and HDC application processing.

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian Was MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Will time out on April 15th and convert to UDO district of NC or withdraw.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’ Community meeting Nov. 8 6:30pm office with option to convert to residential. Will time out on April 15th and convert to UDO district or withdraw

2022-112 801 Baxter UMUD-O across McDowell from Pearl. Initially was a 6 story parking garage, to be withdrawn this week

2021-285 300 E. Worthington MUDD-O was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, will be automatically withdrawn this month

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North Approved by council on March 18th. Pappas restricted heights adjacent to Pearl Park per land use committee’s request. They also added 10 affordable units to the project, 5 at 60% AMI and 5 at 80% AMI and they committed to $250k to HTF or $375k  with 275’ to the HTF. Heights are 90 and 200 adjacent to Kenilworth, 160 adjacent to Pearl Park Way and up to 275 adjacent to Berkeley. Also providing LEED silver and and EV capable, ready and installed units included for height justification.

HDC applications

304 E. Worthington petitioner has filed for demolition on 304 and 308, 3 to 6 months out for a new build HDC review

1913 Cleveland demolition COA approved

2005 Cleveland demolition COA approved

Kasa Edison application filed 12-27

Land development projects

LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. In process, revisions required. Alleyway abandonment discussions are ongoing

LDCP-2024-00136 Leeper & Wyatt land development construction plan in process filed 2-23-24 revisions required

Land Use 3-6


2023-157 304 E. Worthington CG(HDO) to NC(EX) HDO with an exception for reduced side yards but no public benefits documented. Petitioner indicates entitlement request is for multi-story building located on two parcels within the Dilworth Historic District Overlay for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right. Petition waiting for revisions and HDC processing.

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Stalled. To be filed as UDO district.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’ Community meeting Nov. 8 6:30pm office with option to convert to residential. Stalled. Likely to be filed as UDO district.

2021-285 300 E. Worthington was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, permanent deferral (reportedly going to file NC(EX) for side yard reduction per Holly on 2-8)

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North wanted 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus, now 90 and 200 adjacent to Kenilworth and up to 275 adjacent to Berkeley. Office to be designed as LEED silver and $250k or possibly $375k to Trust fund and EV capable, ready and installed units included for height justification. Hearing held on Feb. 19, meeting again with LU on Mar.10, vote on Mar. 18

HDC applications

304 E. Worthington petitioner has filed for demolition on 304 and 308

1913 Cleveland demolition COA issued 12-9-2020 expired, new application on 2-14 HDC agenda

2005 Cleveland demolition COA in process, continued for more information on Nov. 8th, HDC hearing Mar. 13th

Kasa Edison is alive again, application filed 12-27

Land development projects

LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. In process, revisions required. Alleyway abandonment in process.

CWSP-2023-00300 Leliuia Hall,  Charlotte Water land development permit in process to accommodate building move filed 12-22

LDCP-2024-00136 Leeper & Wyatt land development construction plan in process filed 2-23

Land Use 2-12


2023-157 304 E. Worthington CG(HDO) to NC(EX) HDO with an exception for reduced side yards but no public benefits documented. Petitioner indicates entitlement request is for multi-story building located on two parcels within the Dilworth Historic District Overlay for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right. Petition waiting for HDC engagement.

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Stalled. To be filed as UDO district.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’ Community meeting Nov. 8 6:30pm office with option to convert to residential. Stalled. Likely to be filed as UDO district.

2021-285 300 E. Worthington was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, permanent deferral

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North wanted 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus, now 200 adjacent to Kenilworth up to 275 adjacent to Berkeley. Office to be designed as LEED silver and $250,000 to Trust fund and EV capable, ready and installed units included for apparent height justification. Hearing deferred to Feb. 19


HDC applications

1921 Charlotte Dr. Kasa Edison new application filed 12-27

304 E. Worthington petitioner has filed for demolition on 304 and 308

1913 Cleveland demolition COA issued 12-9-2020 expired, new application on 2-14 HDC agenda

2005 Cleveland demolition COA in process, continued for more information on Nov. 8th


Land development projects

LDCP-2024-00014 Suncap’s Starbucks corner redevelopment to stacked multifamily under UDO NC zoning district. In process, revisions required.

CWSP-2023-00300 Leliuia Hall, Charlotte Water land development permit in process.


Land Use 1-8

2023-157 304 E. Worthington CG(HDO) to NC(EX) HDO with an exception for reduced side yards but no public benefits documented. Petitioner indicates entitlement request is for multi-story building located on two parcels within the Dilworth Historic District Overlay for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses permitted by right

2023-063 801 E. Morehead - Urban Edge new zoning district, approved Nov. 18th

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Stalled. To be filed as UDO district.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’ Community meeting Nov. 8 6:30pm office with option to convert to residential. Stalled. Likely to be filed as UDO district.

2021-285 300 E. Worthington was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, permanent deferral

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North want 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus, now 200 adjacent to Kenilworth up to 275 adjacent to Berkeley. Hearing January 16th.


Land Use 12-11

2023-157 304 E. Worthington CG(HDO) to NC(EX) HDO with an exception for reduced side yards but no public benefits documented. Petitioner indicates entitlement request is for multi-story building located on two parcels within the Dilworth Historic District Overlay for a mix of neighborhood oriented uses,

2023-063 801 E. Morehead - Urban Edge new zoning district, approved Nov. 18th

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Stalled. To be filed as UDO district.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’ Community meeting Nov. 8 6:30pm office with option to convert to residential. Stalled. Likely to be filed as UDO district.

2021-285 300 E. Worthington was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, permanent deferral

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North want 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus, hearing deferred to January 16th.


Leliuia Hall, on Dec. 13  agenda, 4 items listed relative to roof top addition roof form and materials, massing and complexity of form, height and width and standards for additions applicant intends to add a rooftop atrium enclosed with glass to historic landmark building. Approved 4-3.


Land Use 11-1 (clickable links are underlined)

2023-088 1823 Cleveland Leluia Hall Conditional NC requesting 8 exceptions - parking reduction of 4 off street  (plus 8 on street spaces, 11 leased spaces for total of 22 spaces required). Approved by council Oct. 16th

2023-063 801 E. Morehead - Urban Edge new zoning district, conventional, council decision Nov. 20th

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Stalled.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -CAC-2 to MUDD-O @ 225’ Community meeting Nov. 8 6:30pm office with option to convert to residential

2021-285 300 E. Worthington was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, permanent deferral

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North want 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus, hearing deferred to December 18th



Leliuia Hall, on Nov 8th agenda, large list of continuance items from October including massing and roof form,  applicant intends to add a rooftop atrium enclosed with glass to historic landmark building

Kasa Edison, massing and scale issues, screening, and various zoning concerns including parking and street scape on Kenilworth denied 7-0 on 9-13


Gross – Charlotte Water project blasting going on concurrently with project now. ROW lease to run through July 2024. Concrete pour began at 5am on 10-30, illegal parking and QOL issues

Land Use 10-9

Rezoning petitions

2021-285 300 E. Worthington was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, permanent deferral

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North want 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus, hearing deferred to December 18th

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’ swap with 2023-020 parcel

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Former VP Real Estate Kevin Durant left HDP (along with 8 others) and Atrium is trying to sort things out..

2023-063 801 E. Morehead - Urban Edge new zoning district, conv, community meeting 9-5, public hearing pending

2023-078 801 Kenilworth Ave. NC to CAC2 Community meeting Oct. 10th

2023-088 1823 Cleveland Leluia Hall Conditional NC requesting 8 exceptions:  parking reduction of 4 off street, 8 on street, 11 leased spaces for 22 spaces required. Land use opposed at  9-18 public hearing, applicant added our 8-21 language regarding enforcement approved by zoning administrator


HDC applications

Leliuia Hall, on October 11th agenda applicant intends to add a glass and metal atrium to historic landmark building

Kasa Edison, massing and scale issues, screening, and various zoning concerns including parking and streetscape on Kenilworth. HDC Denied the application 7-0 on 9-13


Gross – Charlotte Water project blasting going on concurrently with project now. East Blvd ROW lease to run through July 2024


Click here for Atriums development presentation from the September DCA meeting.

Land Use 9-11 (clickable links are underlined)

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. Waiting for architectural details.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’

2023-063 801 E. Morehead - Urban Edge new zoning district

2023-088 1823 Cleveland Conditional NC requesting 8 exceptions: parking reduction to 4 off street, 8 on street spaces, 11 leased spaces for 22 spaces required, need lease enforcement per ordinance.  Hearing 9-18

2021-285 300 E. Worthington was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, permanent deferral

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North want 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus, hearing deferred to December 18th

2022-207 217 E. Tremont TOD-M(O) to TOD-UC consistent with surrounding parcels and removing reduction of FAR option, hearing 7-17, approved 8-21

2022-209 911 E. Morehead Dilworth Neighborhood Grille location. Height to be 80, 100, 225 like med school along E. Morehead. Hearing 7-17, approved 8-21


Kasa Edison, massing and scale issues, screening, and various zoning concerns including parking and street scape on Kenilworth denied 7-0 on 9-13

Leliuia Hall, to be on agenda in October, applicant wants to add a rooftop deck enclosed with glass to historic building

Land Use 8-2 (clickable links are underlined)

2022-207 217 E. Tremont TOD-M(O) to TOD-UC consistent with surrounding parcels and removing reduction of FAR option, hearing 7-17, vote 8-21

2023-088 1823 Cleveland Leluia Hall Conditional NC requesting 8 exceptions to UDO standards:  a parking reduction from 22 on site spaces required by the ordinance to 4, avoid streetscape modification, avoid landscaped buffer requirement and rear setback reduction, plus modification of building length, max blank wall, ground floor transparency and upper floor transparency requirements to accommodate existing historic building to be moved. Plans are to modify historic building.

2022-209 911 E. Morehead Dilworth Neighborhood Grille location. Height to be 80, 100, 225 like med school along E. Morehead. Hearing 7-17, vote 8-21

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercial. UDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle. Concern about no ingress/egress on E. Morehead, forcing traffic to Myrtle, Euclid. No info from Inlivian’s architect at this time.

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’

2023-063 801 E. Morehead - Urban Edge new zoning district

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North want 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus, hearing deferred to September

2021-285 300 E. Worthington was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, deferred to September


Kasa Edison, massing and scale issues, screening, and various zoning concerns including parking and street scape on Kenilworth

Leliuia Hall, to be heard this fall, possibly in October

Land Use 7-5 (clickable links are underlined)

2022-207 217 E. Tremont TOD-M(O) to TOD-UC consistent with surrounding parcels and removing reduction of FAR option, hearing 7-17

2023-088 1823 Cleveland Leluia Hall filed as TOD-NC CHANGED to NC. Requested 50% parking reduction of 8 on street plus 3 on site on out of 22 spaces required

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Inlivian MUDD-O PED up to 450 units with some affordable housing and max 15000  sq ft commercialUDO based height transitions adjacent to residential. Reduction adjacent to N1 does not appear correct along Myrtle.

2022-209 911 E. Morehead Dilworth Neighborhood Grille location. Height to be 80, 100, 225 like med school along E. Morehead

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Inlivian property swap 720 E. Morehead -MUDD-O @ 225’

2023-063 801 E. Morehead - Urban Edge new zoning district

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North want 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus, hearing deferred to August

2021-285 300 E. Worthington was going to house Leeper & Wyatt,  no COA in process, deferred to August

Land Use 6-15


2021-285 300 E. Worthington deferred to August

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Enlivian MUDD-O up to 450 residential units with some affordable housing, max 15,000 sq ft commercial

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Enlivian swap for 720 E. Morehead MUDD-O 330,000 square feet of non-residential uses with the option to convert the non-residential square footage to multi-family

2023-063 801 E. Morehead - Urban Edge, new zoning district, conventional rezoning max height 150

2022-209 911 E. Morehead Dilworth Neighborhood Grille location 85, 100, 225 like med school

2022-079 1175 Pearl Park Way Midtown North want 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus

2023-088 1823 Cleveland Leluia Hall filed as TOD-NC, should be be NC based on adjacent properties. Requested 60% parking reduction from 22 required per ordinance to 7 on street spaces

2022-207 217 E. Tremont TOD-M(O) to TOD-UC consistent with surrounding parcels and removing reduction of FAR option

HDC applications:

Leluia Hall – HDC application petition filed

Kasa Edison House – doubling footprint on lot adding 16 new units to the existing 17 with no additional required parking. Massing, context, permeable and trees are also concerns

DUMC – will need to screen after removing shrubs along E. Kingston

By Right Development:

Suncap - translated from B-1(PED) to NC. Currently in land development permitting, plan is reportedly not materially different from MUDD-O plan

Gross – Parking garage nearing completion and buildings will soon come out of the ground with building A closest to Lombardy first.

Land Use 5-8


2022-37 Suncap NS to B-1(PED). The five parcels formerly in the MUDD-O petition will now be developed by right as NC

2022-079 Midtown North requested height 235 up to 275 in CAC area where 200 is max with bonus

2023-020 720 E. Morehead Atrium and Enlivian includes affordable housing

2023-016 942 Baxter Atrium/Enlivian swap for office MUDD-O @ 225’

2023-063 801 E. Morehead - Urban Edge new zoning district

2022-209 911 E. Morehead Dilworth Neighborhood Grille location

Land Use 4-20

Suncap 2022-037

Public hearing for single Starbucks parcel was 4-17 and project will likely proceed by right with NC translation upon UDO adoption on June 1. One concern is that the mindset seems to be that adhering to max building height will likely be the exception rather than the rule along East Blvd, particularly near the intense commercial area near Kenilworth and Scott, with the standard being max height plus bonus of 80'. Max building height along East Blvd should actually be 65' to retain the character of that area.

Midtown North 2022-079

Deferred until June. Heights remain well above the Community Activity Center max of 200 feet.

Land Use 3-13

Suncap 2022-037

New direction - now planning to rezone only the single parcel at the Starbucks corner, requesting B-1(PED) and reducing the number of parcels in the project to 5, dropping the two MUDD-O parcels fronting Scott Ave. On June 1st upon implementation of the UDO the area will translate to Neighborhood Center and the property can be developed by right. The virtual Community Hearing on the Starbucks only parcel is Mar. 28th @ 5:30pm.

Midtown North 2022-079

Deferred until June

Working with CDOT to revise traffic impact study to accommodate a development scenario that include a fitness use. Height remains unacceptable and has increased to 275' vs 200' designated for the Community Activity Center place type.

Land Use 2-13

Suncap 2022-037

Rezoning team attended February’s land use meeting to discuss remaining concerns with height along East Blvd. and excavation footprint

300 E. Worthington 2021-285           

Rezoning petition on hold

Midtown North 2022-079

Deferred until April

Working with CDOT to revise traffic impact study to accommodate a development scenario that include a fitness use.


CHA petition hearing deferred to July 17th. Originally 6 story parking garage on Baxter but morphed into a giant mixed use project (UMUD)


CHA 450 multifamily dwelling units at 720 E. Morehead with workforce housing included. No exit onto Lexington planned at this time.


CHA Non-residential building in the Innovation District at 942 Baxter. 


911 E. Morehead Dilworth Grille –heights 100 vs 80 stepback along Morehead, 225 vs 200 along Baxter 1.6 acres CAC close to N1, awaiting planning review.

1913 Cleveland

HDC application  for office building heard Feb. 8th and continued to March HDC meeting


Update 2-2: the last 2 conditional rezonings were filed for Dilworth under the old ordinance by Atrium prior to the `1-31 deadline: 2023-020 for 450 multifamily dwelling units at 720 E. Morehead and 2023-016, a non-residential building in the Innovation District at 942 Baxter. Details on both of those petitions will appear appear here soon.

Land Use 1-9-23

Suncap 2022-037

Deferred until February. Suncap will meet with us later this month to review changes, date TBD.

Centre South 2022-069

Council approved on Jan 17th

Project scheduled for 3 phases from 2025 through 2030

734 units, 145 affordable at 80% and 65% AMI plus hotel, retail, office

300 E. Worthington 2021-285 

Deferred until February 2023

Currently going through HDC review

Midtown North 2022-079

Deferred until March or April

Working with CDOT to revise traffic impact study to accommodate a development scenario that include a fitness use.

2022-112 CHA

Deferred until May.

Was parking garage on Baxter but morphed into a giant mixed use project (UMUD)

1913 Cleveland

HDC review delayed until February

Land Use update 12-7-22

Suncap 2022-037

Deferred until January. Suncap met with planning 12-8 to confirm their assumptions on by right are correct. Expect to go forward with hearing still on the Dec. 19th but post meeting may decide to defer to make adjustments consistent with conversation with planning. They think their currrent plan is good.

Planning does not support petition in its current form

Speaking in opposition: 1315 East, The Filmore, Fountain View residents, the DCA

Centre South 2022-069

Public hearing Dec. 19th

Fallon has been very cooperative to work with and we will send a supportive letter in the next day or two

Project scheduled for 3 phases from 2025 through 2030

734 units, 145 affordable at 80% and 65% AMI plus hotel, retail, office

300 E. Worthington 2021-285          

Deferred until February 2023

Currently going through HDC review

Midtown North 2022-079

Held LU meeting on 11-14

Community meeting 12-7 Jill, Ellen and Sylvia Biddle-Patton attended

Mixed use for retail, restaurant, upscale hotel (Hilton Tapestry 150 keys)  boutique office and luxury residential at Kenilworth and Pearl Park Way 2.23 acres. Planning pushing back on height Overall stories 15 to 20 stories. Rental 1, 2 & 3 BR market rate. Height of 260 is inconsistent with 2040 mapping and surrounding buildings.

Westbound East Boulevard Lane Shift for Gross project 11/28/22

The lane shift is in place so please be careful in the area as it is still somewhat fluid and confusing with a very narrow pedestrian area and an abrupt closure of the cycle lane. It will be in place until July 2024, however there will be modifications as necessary to improve the closure for pedestrian safety. Click here for the lane shift configuration and check back here for updates.

Land Use update 11-19-22

Suncap 2022-037 - We maintain that the heights are not consistent with current zoning, the 2040 policy map or the UDO and we will continue to discuss that with planning, Suncap and members of council. Hearing could be cleared for Nov. 21st however the project is not ready from our point of view. Update 11-18 Public hearing deferred until December 19th

Centre South 2022-069- Fallon has made the requested modifications to setbacks and heights along Rensselaer and Euclid, street connectivity and traffic control. Update 11-18 Public hearing deferred until December 19th

300 E. Worthington - currently in HDC review, public hearing deferred until Feb. 20, 2023

Midtown North - at Pearl Park Way and Kenilworth. Keith MacVean will present to land use on Monday Nov. 14th.

Gross Project- Construction is underway and will continue until July 2024. The center turn lane on East Blvd has been removed but the pedestrian and cycle lanes are confusing and dangerous - please use caution in that area. Lombardy neighbors met with Cleveland Construction (contractor) to discuss the project and issues that will arise including contractor parking on Lombardy,


Land Use update 9-12-22

Suncap 2022-037: 2nd review dated 8-26 shows that continued push back on the height along East and is requested height transitions along Scott and FV. Also requested that the petitioner demonstrates separate max heights for each building to show transition into surrounding land uses.

Centre South 2022-069: Fallon is willing to close the stub connection on the new road from South to Euclid if CDOT agrees. Buffer behind Euclid has increased to 25 feet, Fallon plans to retain old growth trees along Euclid as well as in the center of the project and contractor parking will be provided on the Strawn surface lots.

Andrew Rowe 2021-285: Hearing is deferred until next month.

Gross LDUPED-2022-00008: Approved 9-2.  Sidewalk must be replaced to the current standards of 6' wide, 8’ planting strip. Working with the Lombardy Terrace HOA to set up follow up zoom with land development to answer outstanding questions.

Land Use update 8-3-22

Scheduled for Aug. 22nd council hearing:

•300 E. Worthington 2021-285: currently in discussions with Southern Land regarding parking lease. Concerns about lack of parking (and potential noise from EEDE use.

•214 E. Worthington 2021-262: held 2nd community meeting July 28th. Verbiage has been changed per our request (parking standards apply to entire parcel).

Other projects

•1401 East Blvd 2022-037: Suncap has Fountain View renderings to be ready by the end of this week. Official community meeting Aug.9th , possible hearing September 19th.

•Centre South 2022-069: Dilworth community meeting on Aug. 10th 6pm

Gross: revisions needed

Land Use update 6-13-22


1.300 E. Worthington rezoning: RZP-2021-00285 Community meeting June 1 . Project seems to be on track for end of July engineering plan, HDC application hearing in July.  Possibly early 2023 move.

2.Suncap/Starbucks. RZP-2022-037 Traffic study has been delivered, should be shared within 2 weeks. Alley will be expanded to 20 feet and remain where platted, similar building configuration to 1315 East and 1320 Filmore..Planning will begin reviewing the petition on  June 27th. Community meeting likely in August.

3.Former Worthington Hotel Site: RZP-2021-263. Community meeting for former Worthington Hotel site was Monday May 2nd. Petition hearing deferred until July.  TOD-NC(CD) allowing for minimum parking. 

4.Centre South aka Strawn – RZP-2022-069 Rezoning application submitted  April 11th right after our meeting with them. Dilworth Community outreach meeting to take place August 10th time tbd. City review process will begin in August. Anticipate 4th qtr public hearing. Similar to previous plan with reconfiguration of some areas and slightly expanded green space - click here to review

Land Development review

1.Gross project status – updated site plan filed 5-13 and review comments are due 6-6. Quick turnaround of another site plan and comments are now due 7-5. A meeting with LD, Lombardy neighbors and LU group will likely be scheduled after that.


Land Use update 5-4-22

Former Worthington Hotel Site: Community meeting for former Worthington Hotel site was Monday May 2nd. Height is increasing from 63 feet with former hotel plan to 75 for TOD-NC. Minimum parking requirement stipulated. Transition into neighborhood is crucial due to acquisition of H&H Automotive parcel and possible heights.

Centre South  – Rezoning application submitted  April 11th right after our meeting with them. Community outreach to take place from May – August, city review process will begin in August. Anticipate 4th qtr public hearing, link to plan in April update.

300 E. Worthington rezoning: site plan has been filed. Hope is to move Leeper&Wyatt building from current location to this parcel, fallback is to build Victorian structure previously approved by HDC for this site.

Gross project status – revisions were required in multiple land development review categories, LD waiting for revised plan.

Southern Land – Tyber Creek site: planning approx. 300 for rent units and tower is 31+/-  stories. Tyber Creek Pub will return to the ground floor retail fronting South. Six levels of parking deck.

East & Scott Starbucks location: A traffic impact study of East Blvd will be conducted in conjunction with this petition, looking at East Blvd from Dilworth Rd. E. to Floral Ave. No other news at this time.

UDO: Public comment portal will reopen with 2nd draft release of UDO and public engagement sessions will begin late May/early June. UDO open house scheduled for June 8th 2:30-6:30 in CMGC lobby. Community members can sign up for one-on-one sessions with staff from early to mid June.

Land Use update 4-11-22

Centre South rezoning filed, information provided here

Gross project status – The first review of the Gross project at East and Lombardy was completed on 3-28 and revisions are required. Click here for the site plan and reviewers comments. The meeting with land development and neighbors on April 7th was informative and LD addressed a long list of questions. Current issues:

  • Entry and exit point for construction which is currently adjacent to only SF use

  • Traffic flow/lane closure on East for 18-24 months

  • Need for visual barrier

  • Concern for last tree standing after the AT&T trench violated the tree save area

Public hearing for former Worthington Hotel site is June 20th; no information from that developer.

Lincoln at Dilworth SPA to remove retail replacing w/8 apts – hearing is April 18th. They may be close to a lease with an office type user but plan is to proceed with the hearing.

East & Scott project (Epicurean) Tree Ordinance variance requiring trees on the roof – deferred until May. Asking for support for variance from tree commission. This would not have been a problem prior to the 2019 tree ordinance and will not be a problem after the UDO passes.

300 E. Worthington rezoning, waiting for Historic Landmarks process change due to demolition request. Nothing new at this point.

East & Scott Starbucks location – meeting with planning and CDOT to talk about status of alleys and access points for East Blvd. Should have something to look at this month, after Easter.

Working on UDO parking, N1 adjacent base heights. Julie has asked for clarification and examples.

Ed McKinney is setting up a meeting with land use at CM Egleston’s request to discuss additional traffic on East Blvd. due to 3 upcoming project (2 @ Scott&East plus Gross)

Land Use update 3-2-22

  1. Southern Land Co. Tyber Creek project 300 apts, 30 stories, 320 ft height, six levels of parking. TOD-UC

  2. East & Scott project (Epicurean) Tree Ordinance variance request. Pay in lieu of trees on the roof for tree save was allowed prior to 2019 tree ordinance text amendment and would be allowed in UDO

  3. Lincoln Property SPA asking to remove retail replacing w/8 apts. Ground level retail does not seem to be working.

  4. Gross project status : a  site plan was submitted on 2-23 and is in the 15 day commercial review cycle. No info on plan other than one giant building footprint w/setbacks. Requesting additional info on height, massing, PED requirement

  5. East & Scott Starbucks location – very early stage, 150 to 250 apartments depending on sq. ft., filing this week

The recommended final draft Charlotte Future 2040 Policy map was released on Feb. 18th and we were pleased to see that what we considered to be the most critical errors have been corrected. Click here for the update.

The 2nd draft of the 2040 Policy Map was released on Jan 18th. While numerous areas were correct several serious errors remained in place with the map. Click here to view a full presentation of the 2nd draft mapping errors.


325 East Blvd – planting strip and trees to remain as is

E. Worthington & Cleveland: 300 E. Worthington meeting scheduled for Feb. 14th, former hotel site filed 11-18-21 same TOD-NC(CD) allowing parking minimums

East and Lombardy project status – Developer is in contact with neighbors, entrances have been moved

East & Scott schedule – in permitting review stage. Will share renderings and building elevations this spring; anticipating start date in 2nd half.

Mapping – Jan. 18th target date for 2nd draft release

UDO – 4th draft scheduled for July (likely to slip)

Dilworth Rd. and Berkeley stop sign in conjunction with road diet for medical school rezoning


A land use task force is working with the city's Land Development team, a group neighbors who live on Lombardy, and business owners on East Blvd. to understand what happens after the grading/excavation work is completed. The by right project creates a number of issues for that large 13 parcels area and no site plan has been filed to date.

Click here and enter +MgCi4yF when challenged for a passcode to watch a meeting with the land development team on Dec. 7th to discuss neighborhood concerns.

what we do

The Land Use Committee is primarily responsible for participating in the commercial real estate development process, and we encourage a sustainable approach to new development in Dilworth…


First the Land Use Committee works continually with the City of Charlotte’s Planning Department on the development of relevant area plans. These area plans provide the mechanism for the City to work with the neighborhoods to rethink the strategic vision and establish the policy framework for the future growth and development of the neighborhoods in Charlotte. Approved area plans affecting Dilworth include the Dilworth Land Use and Streetscape Plan, the East Blvd Pedscape Plan, and the Midtown Morehead Cherry Area Plan, which are all available on the website.

Second, the Land Use Committee works tirelessly with commercial real estate developers to ensure City Council approval of only the highest-quality site plans/rezonings possible. The intent is to negotiate site plans reflecting and integrating with the character of Dilworth and stimulating activity and economic vitality. So, the Land Use Committee negotiates. Without government authority, we have to negotiate tradeoffs to insure rezonings in Dilworth do not allow developments exceeding the level of scale and density that is palatable for adjacent neighbors and the community as a whole. The DCDA is amenable to development in Dilworth, but such development must be suitable for the neighborhood.

Finally, we work with the City Staff, the Historic District Commission, and Preserve Historic Dilworth to protect our place on the National Register of Historic Places. This includes working to improve the policies and procedures of the Historic District Commission to ensure they are only issuing Certificates of Appropriateness for projects meeting the HDC Guidelines as well as working with the City Manager and the Planning Department to put enforcement measures in place and ensure they are being carried out.

By Cynthia Schwartz (For the full article see “Land Use: What do we do” in the March 2014 quarterly, p. 12-13)

useful links


Development Near Me App



Char-Meck Historic Landmarks Commission Survey and Research

HIstoric Distric Commission

Design Standards

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