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latta park initiative

The Latta Park Initiative is a team effort shared by the DCA and Char-Meck Parks and Rec to reinvigorate Latta Park by removing invasive plants and replacing them with species native to our area.  Help us restore and preserve the biodiversity of our park.

.Volunteers Needed!

Latta Park Work Days

Join us!

See dates below

-Tasks will vary according to season and tools           will be provided. 

-Just look for the Parks and Rec truck. 

*there will NOT be a workday in July,

August, or December

Latta Park Volunteer Workdays:


Come and join a group of volunteers to help continue the progress made in improving Latta Park.  We will be working on removing invasive species, spreading mulch, and planting natives.  No “experience” necessary. It’s a great way to get involved in Dilworth and help our environment.  Meet at the Park Road/E Park Avenue entrance to Latta Park.  Bring yard gloves if you have them. Long sleeved shirts and pants recommended.


Saturday, February 1st     2 - 4:00 pm
Thursday, March 6th     10 am - 12 noon
Thursday, April 3rd     10 am - 12 noon
Thursday, May 1st    10 am - 12 noon
Thursday, June 5th    10 am - 12 noon

The Project

In 2017, we were honored to be awarded a grant to purchase native plants for Latta Park.  The $2500 is set to be dispersed in equal amounts over three years. Here is a breakdown of our plan and accomplishments so far:


  • Spring 2017

    • Installed 1 gallon shrubs- 3 fragrant sumac and 3 smooth sumac

    • Installed bare root seedlings-  12 beautyberries

  • Fall 2017

    • September

      • Removed 2 tons of Ligustrum from a portion of the creek- thank you to Rich Mogensen, his crew, and our volunteers! 

      • Stumps were left in place to prevent erosion and were treated with concentrated glyphosate at the time of cutting. 

    • November

      • Installed approximately 237 shrubs where Ligustrum was removed

      • Shrubs included: Red Chokecherry, Beautyberry, Carolina Sweetshrub, Virginia Sweetspire, Inkberry Holly, Winterberry Holly, Spicebush, and Arrowwood Viburnum.

  • Winter/Spring 2018

    • We plan to install seedlings and possibly some stake plants near the creek

  • Fall 2018

    • Plant larger shrubs and trees in what was previously known as “Wisteria Gulch.” 

    • We believe that installing larger specimens will allow the maintenance crew to continue to mow around the shrubs, helping to avoid a resurgence of invasives. 


Heartfelt thanks to all who have volunteered on

Latta Park Work Days!

Please note: We will not hold workdays in July, August or December, and we will continue with our regular Saturday workdays in November and February.


For questions please contact: Nancy Nicholson 

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